My Macbook Pro | Thoughts & Opinion

After 13 months of saving away £100 a month, i finally got my Macbook Pro for christmas 2012 and i am in *love* with it. Many people often say "oh its a ridiculous amount of money" but i have four arguments to counter this:

1. its near impossible to get a virus on a mac
2. the re-sale value of macbooks is a lot higher than that of a PC
3. Macs last longer than most PCs
4. It accomplishes what it sets out to do.

I'm no computer expert but after using my Mac i find it so hard to go into school and use PCs. Everything on a Mac is just so much simpler once you get your head around it. Macs are also more secure than PCs and it hasnt crashed once.

I would 100% recommend a Macbook to anyone that wants to go into video editing. However, for someone thats just going to sit on facebook and play farmville, go get yourself a PC. hahah. Many people just buy Macs to sit in costa and look all fancy, it is an investment and it is a lot of money to be spending on something that you may not use to its entirety 

If you want to know more about Macbooks I have left two links on the bottom of this post and you can also ask me. I'm no good with computer lingo but i can just give you my 100% honest opinion on it.

some of the Pre installed apps & then some I've added

My Macbook - JFK - American Hero. 

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